UPDATED: French side COVID-19 Cases Climb to 32. Active cases are 16 | SOUALIGA NEWSDAY

SAINT-MARTIN (MARIGOT) – The number of positive cases of COVID-19 on French Saint-Martin has increased by one to 32 cases as of Wednesday, April 8. The new confirmed case according to information provided by the Prefecture of Saint-Barths and Saint-Martin has been hospitalized at the Louis Constance Fleming Hospital.

Two persons from Saint-Martin are also hospitalized in Guadeloupe. Seventy one percent of the cases are between 15-64 years of age, while over 75-years accounts for 10 per cent; for the positive cases, 19 are women and 12 are men.

ARCHIVE – SAINT-MARTIN (MARIGOT) – As of Monday, April 6, there has been no change in the number of cases of COVID-19 on French Saint-Martin.  The Prefecture state Government representative released a breakdown of the age groups affected by the coronavirus disease COVID-19 for Saint-Martin and Saint-Barths.

SAINT-MARTIN (MARIGOT) – The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases on French Saint-Martin have increased to 31 according to the Prefecture’s latest stats as of Sunday, April 5th. The number of cases increased by two. These two individuals are in self-isolation at home and are being monitored by health officials.

ARCHIVE – The number of confirmed cases on Saint-Martin has increased to 29 on Saturday, April 4th according to the Prefecture.  This is an increase of five persons.

ARCHIVE – The Prefecture of Saint-Barths and Saint-Martin confirmed on Friday that the number of positive COVID-19 cases have increased by two to 24.

On Thursday, two recovered COVID-19 hospitalized tourists at the Louis Constance Fleming Hospital, were repatriated to their home country.

The number of actively sick COVID-19 patients are 14.

The Prefecture reiterates to the population of French Saint-Martin that they should keep a social-distance of two meters and to respect the lock down. For those who do not need to be out, to stay at home.

Source: Souliga Newsday https://www.soualiganewsday.com/index.php?option=com-k2&view=item&id=30743:updated-french-side-covid-19-cases-climb-to-32-active-cases-are-16&Itemid=504