Central Voting Bureau to meet on Monday to establish election results

PHILIPSBURG – The Chairman of the Central Voting Bureau for the elections of the Members of Parliament of Sint Maarten announced that the aforementioned will convene a meeting on Monday, March 5th, at 10am at the House of Parliament to establish the results of the election of the members to the Parliament of Sint Maarten, which took place on February 26th, 2018.

During the aforementioned meeting, amongst other things, it will be assessed if there are grounds available to order a recount.

The Central Voting Bureau can either ex officio or upon request of an eligible voter determine that a recount will take place. In regards to the latter, there should be well motivated grounds for a recount.

The meeting will be held in the House of Parliament and is open to eligible voters, as long as the order is not disturbed and the work of the Central Voting Bureau is not disrupted.

Source: StMaartenNews http://stmaartennews.com/elections/central-voting-bureau-meet-monday-establish-election-results/