Visiting medical specialists bring expertise to Sint Maarten

CAY HILL — Visiting medical specialists continue to make life better for patients at St. Maarten Medical Center. The hospital this week drew our attention to two such specialists: vascular surgeon Dr. Mirza Idu and Dr. Jesse Jessurun, an interventional radiologist.

“Vascular” refers to the veins and arteries, the specialist area of Dr. Idu, who is based at the Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) in Amsterdam, while Dr Jesserun’s branch of radiology, the science best known for X-rays, involves procedures such as the insertion of probes up towards the heart, to investigate problems which would otherwise not be clear.

Dr. Idu and Dr. Jesserun often carry out their procedures jointly at SMMC, their pooled expertise enabling a proper diagnosis to be made and the appropriate treatment to be given.

This being a highly complex and still-developing area which can have benefits in other areas, Drs Idu and Jesserun have given talks to fellow specialists at SMMC. They work closely with the nephrologists (kidney specialists) and general surgeons for the care of patients with kidney disease.

For the past two years Dr. Idu and Dr. Jesserun have been returning to SMMC on a quarterly basis. Their regular visits are part of a program to bring care to the island for patients whose ailment is perhaps not common enough to warrant having a full-time specialist on the staff.


For more information, see the official press release issued by SMMC here…


Source: StMaartenNews