18 computers donated by Guardian Group and Keijzer Computers to students of MPC and Sundial. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— Guardian Group and Keijzer Computers are two SXM based companies that take their corporate responsibility very seriously and therefore endeavored to provide computers to students that have to follow distance education but have no device. On Tuesday, August 18th, 13 desktop computers with Microsoft 2019, Zoom, and other useful programs for education were delivered at MPC for students of HAVO, TKL and PKL-PBL, and 5 computers were delivered for Sundial School students. The Guardian Group had already been instrumental in arranging an earlier donation of 12 refurbished laptops by MVG Computers.

Due to social distancing regulations, the students will

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/35466-18-computers-donated-by-guardian-group-and-keijzer-computers-to-students-of-mpc-and-sundial.html