4 COVID-19 patients died, two within one day. | SMN News

~ Isolation facility and beds secured, total shutdown pending~

PHILIPSBURG:— The EOC on Dutch St. Maarten announced on Friday that four (4) COVID-19 patients have died, two of which passed on Friday morning, so far there are 23 confirmed cases, most of which are males that are being confined at home.

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and head of CPS Eva Lista De Weever have called on residents of St. Maarten to stay at home and avoid risking the lives of others.

The CPS head said her department is busy tracing to see who the infected persons have been in contact

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/34422-4-covid-19-patients-died-two-within-one-day.html