“Come together and magnify the Lord with Thanksgiving”, at the 24th Annual Thanksgiving Service to be held on December 3rd. | SMN NEWS

 PHILIPSBURG:—  The Honorable Minister of Education Culture Youth & Sport drs. Rodolphe Samuel in collaboration with the St. Maarten Christian Council, St. Maarten United Ministerial Foundation and the Seventh Day Adventist Church will host the 24th annual service with the theme “Come together and magnify the Lord with Thanksgiving” on the grounds of the Government Administration Building in Philipsburg on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023.

To read more: https://smn-news.com/index.php/st-maarten-st-martin-news/44354-come-together-and-magnify-the-lord-with-thanksgiving-at-the-24th-annual-thanksgiving-service-to-be-held-on-december-3rd.html