"Country before self, Transparency, Integrity, Objective financial evaluation should be the name of the game" | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— Over the past months we have seen on the printed local and social media debates, comments, opinions and partial information on 3 major topics: Financing of the airport, U.S. Pre-clearance and lately the potential privatization of the Ports operation.

SHTA is the largest representative of private businesses on island has seen how our members have reinvented themselves, dug deep into their pockets, reinvested on the island since IRMA without any governmental financial support or without seeing any economic stimulus plans, tax alleviation (like our French and BES Islands counterparts), or direct assistance to them. Most businesses

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33012-country-before-self-transparency-integrity-objective-financial-evaluation-should-be-the-name-of-the-game.html