EXCLUSIVE: Is there something to hide in Ministry VSA? Who is behind the complot? | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— The sentiment on St. Maarten and the surrounding islands since the arrest of MP Christopher Emmanuel and his chief of cabinet Marisha Richardson gives the people on St. Maarten and the surrounding islands that there seems to be things to hide in the Ministry of VSA.
Several persons contacted SMN News and asked who is behind what looks like a complot to silence MP Christopher Emmanuel who is very vocal about the functioning of the Ministry of VSA and the former ousted Minister Emil Lee who took several questionable decisions with the spending of the pension funds

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33088-exclusive-is-there-something-to-hide-in-ministry-vsa-who-is-behind-the-complot.html