EXCLUSIVE: Where is the oversight for the Prosecutor’s Office and Attorney General? | SMN News

~ OM St. Maarten abused their power in the Begonia Investigation. ~

PHILIPSBURG:— After listening to Attorney at Law Zylena Barry as she explains what transpired with her client MP Christopher Emmanuel the moment he was arrested on Tuesday, October 22nd 2019 it makes one wonders who exactly has oversight on the Prosecutor’s Office and Attorney General since the Prosecutor that handled the Begonia file abused his or her power simply because basic legal procedures were not followed.

First and foremost, the Prosecutor’s Office through the Attorney General must approach the Appeals Court to seek permission to arrest a

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33129-exclusive-where-is-the-oversight-for-the-prosecutor-s-office-and-attorney-general.html