Fantasies – Love-making poems by Fabian Badejo, “a grown-up” book launching at St. Martin Book Fair 2018.

GREAT BAY:—Fantasies – Love-making poems by Fabian Adekunle Badejo has just been published here by House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP), said the indie press president Jacqueline Sample.
The newest book by Badejo, a well-known St. Martin writer, is “A grown-up literary confection that does what verse written by men seems to seldom do these days,” said author and journalist Sharon Leach of the Jamaica Observer newspaper.
Fantasies will be launched at the opening ceremony of the 16th annual St. Martin Book Fair, Friday, June 1, 2018, 8 PM, at Motorworld Showroom, Cole Bay, said Sample. The book fair admission is free and all are welcome, said director Shujah Reiph.
Badejo will read selections from the adult-theme collection following the literary festival’s keynote address by award-winning author Edwidge Danticat (USA/Haiti).
“Edwidge Danticat is one of the most sought-after authors in the world today,” said HNP projects director Lasana M. Sekou, “and it’s an honor to launch an HNP title during her first visit to the St. Martin Book Fair.”
The poems in Fantasies “celebrate male strength by exploring in all its big-hearted glory, … its vulnerability, honesty … and, yes, avid beauty,” said Leach.
Aruban poet Rosabelle Illes calls Fantasies “A sensual oddessy. Badejo communicates with the intensity only found in infatuation and a truth only discovered through relentless devotion.”
Badejo was the subject of a revealing May 20 interview on his own Culture Time radio magazine, by USM literature lecturer Dr. Rhoda Arrindell. The Fantasies manuscript was accepted by HNP and worked on by candlelight and in-between repairs and other challenges like most of St. Martin people had during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma — but the poems were written much earlier, said Badejo.
Following the interview, “a Facebook buzz started, with comments by men and women ranging from curious to excited about Fantasies,” said Sample.
“Some people are surprised that a usually serious-topic author like Mr. Badejo would write erotic poems with names like ‘Strip,’ ‘The First Kiss,’ ‘Beauty & the Priest,’ ‘Lick Me,’ ‘Mating Sounds,’ ‘Girl Talk,’ and ‘Bragging Rights,’” said Sample.
Can’t wait until the book party on Friday? Prefer to take your copy to the Book Fair for the poet’s autograph? Fantasies is available at Van Dorp and Arnia’s bookstores and at

Source: St. Martin News Network