Fire department calls on motorists to exercise caution while driving and to avoid flooded streets

GREAT BAY (DCOMM) :— The Fire Department is urging all motorists to exercise extreme caution while driving on the road network especially through flooded streets or along hillsides.

Part of the road at Mullet Bay near the entrance to Cupecoy (Atlantis Casino area) is flooded, and motorists should avoid this area.

The fire department on Sunday afternoon rescued occupants of a vehicle that were stranded due to the flooded street.

Another area with high water is the road between the airport and Maho. The road in front of the cargo building is flooded. Motorists must exercise caution and avoid driving through flooded areas, and wait until water levels subside.

Reports have also come in about rock falls on the Cole Bay hill. Motorists driving along mountain roads or hilly areas should exercise caution.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Fire department calls on motorists to exercise caution while driving and to avoid flooded streets