Fostering Resilient Crisis Management (FRCM) Welcome Cocktail. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:— On June 18th, the welcome cocktail for the Fostering Resilient Crisis Management (FRCM) took place, welcoming focal points from the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories, disaster management representatives from various islands, the Netherlands, and the European Union. The FRCM project, funded by the European Union RESEMBID program and implemented by VNG International, is in its final stage, ending with a closing conference on Resilient Crisis Management. The FRCM Project is a staple project for disaster risk management. Through this collaboration, the Government achieved the following results in the area of disaster risk management:
– Crisis Information Management: development of a net-centric crisis information management system;
– Training and Education: Training of Trainers training for internal as well as external stakeholders;
– Operations and Procedures: development of Standard Operating Procedures for the EOC, including crisis escalation structure;
– Regional Coordination: regional crisis coordination and development of the handbook introduction to a Host Nation Support – Reception Departure Center

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