Free workshop hosted by SSSD “My PBL, PKL and TKL Education and Beyond” Workshop to outline further study options. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— Students in Voorbereidend Secundair Beroepsonderwijs (VSBO) or Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education (PSVE) – PBL, PKL and TKL – on St. Maarten have the possibility of continuing their education St. Maarten, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, the Netherlands, United States or Canada, but they have to be aware of what their options are and what it takes to be successful.
This was noted by Student Support Services Division (SSSD) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport while announcing their workshop entitled “My PBL, PKL and TKL Education and Beyond” to be held on October 3, 2019, at

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