MARIGOT:— Several local St. Martiners have contacted SMN News stating that the army that is currently on St. Martin assisting with the recovery process after the aftermath of Hurricane Irma has taken up residence at their property without consulting them. “The army just moved into buildings that have roofs without even seeking to find out who the properties belong to” and when they move in we are not able to get them out. At least one bakery in Hope Estate is unable to open for business even though his business place was not damaged because the army took up residence in the bakery. This has left all residents of Hope Estate and French Cul de Sac without bread and the people of those areas have to travel to Marigot to purchase bread. We know the army is here to assist in the recovery process but they just can’t move into business places like that especially when so many homes and businesses were damaged due to Hurricane Irma.
SMN News learned that the army even took up residence at a funeral home in La Savanne and also took several brand new vehicles from an auto dealership in order to move around. One auto dealer told SMN News he is not worried because all his vehicles are fully insured and if the army needs transportation then it’s only normal that they take care of the new vehicles they took possession of.
Ever since Hurricane Irma the army has taken control of the French side of the island in order to restore safety and security on St. Martin, their presence can be felt in some areas as they conduct road controls and participate in other activities that would assist St. Martin in recovering from Hurricane Irma.
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