PHILIPSBURG:—The annual for 2019 OvD (Incident managers) meeting was held on Wednesday 16 January at the Fire Department in Cay Hill. A large number of Ovds from the emergency services namely; the fire department, the ambulance department and the police department attended this meeting. The main focus of this meeting was to inform each other about their own processes for which each department is responsible and the dilemmas and bottlenecks that are sometimes encountered. There was an exchange of ideas with each other in a lively and cooperative way. On behalf of the police, CPO Inspector E. Josepha gave a clear presentation about the police processes. Jan Toebes and Glenn Kerkhofs also explained the annual planning for the OvD training sessions. For example, the aforementioned services will train with each other during the last week of almost every month on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In short, a successful kick-off for a new phase in the cooperation between the emergency services.
KPSM Press Release.
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