Minister Johnson congratulates Levenstone and Gibs.

PHILIPSBURG:—  The Coast Guard Substation in Sint Maarten will have a new head as of December 1, namely Jocelyn Roberto Levenstone.

Levenstone worked with the Coast Guard in the past and is currently Chief of Security at Port St. Maarten.

Windward Islands Airways International (Winair) also appointed Camille Gib’s to Captain, bringing the total number of Winair captains to 15.

Gibs who before was First Officer, pursued a one-month intensive training course to earn his bars as captain.

“I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Levenstone on his appointment as head of the Coast Guard Substation.

“We must always promote our own to hold key positions in order to further develop the country in the national interests. I am pleased that a suitable candidate was found for this very important function and I am sure Levenstone will do an excellent job.

“The Coast Guard plays a key role in the detection and control for drugs, border control, fisheries and environmental surveillance, monitoring of safe shipping, and handling of maritime distress and safety at sea,” Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Stuart Johnson said on Tuesday.

Johnson added: “Winair, our local airline, last year September was confronted with the ravage Hurricane Irma bestowed upon the country from North to South, however, due to the resilience of the people that work at the airline, along the management and the supervisory board, Winair has made a remarkable comeback.

“Winair plays a very important role in ensuring airlift between our sister islands of Saba and St. Eustatius. The airline has grown due to the stewardship of the supervisory board, management and staff and the future for the airline is very bright once they continue on the track that they have embarked upon.

“I take this opportunity to congratulate Gibs on his promotion. I am proud to see sons of the soil reach for the stars and achieve what they have worked for,” Minister Stuart Johnson concluded on Tuesday.

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Source: St. Martin News Network