Ministry of ECYS wishes all a safe and enjoyable Carnival 2018.

PHILIPSBURG:— Honorable Drs. Jorien Wuite, Minister of Culture and Department of Culture Head Clara Reyes would like to wish the general public a happy and safe Carnival 2018! Carnival in St. Maarten has become a cultural force to be reckoned with and an iconic staple in St. Maarten’s annual calendar of events. Post-lent, this is a time for creatives and revelers, private and public entities, residents and visitors, young people and older generations to feast, fête, entertain and unwind. St. Maarten Carnival has evolved from a local celebration to a major regional and international festival attracting patrons from all corners of the world. “This Ministry aims to form a close partnership with the SCDF and strengthen our role in culture and the creative industries such as music festivals by supporting and promoting cultural Carnival activities and events when possible; in particular tomorrow evening’s Culture Night” stated Minister Wuite.
“The carnival season is highly anticipated annually and there are many cultural aspects of it; traditional and contemporary, tangible and intangible”, Ms. Reyes indicated. Under the vision and efforts of Carnival pioneers such as former Governor Reinier O. van Delden, Jocelyn Arndell, Johan Dijkhoffz and Alexis Arnell, Carnival was born and began to take shape. Today, under the innovative leadership of the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation team past and present St. Maarten Carnival has become a full-fledged global brand which facilitates cultural and heritage tourism and generates considerable revenue for our country. The Ministry ECYS strongly encourages all parents to properly guide their children and discuss responsible behavior during this period. Partakers of Carnival should also be mindful of the impression left on our youth and communities during Carnival. Do ‘Come and Experience Life!’

Source: St. Martin News Network