Miss Mature Anatol Hosts “Queen Whip 2017.

missmature07032017Cole Bay:—- Miss Mature Carnival Queen 2016; Norrisa Anatol, organized a workshop for all 2017 delegates taking part in Posh Production’s Queen Pageants. This event was held on Saturday 4th March 2017 at Carl N Sons Conference Room in Cole Bay. The workshop entitled, “Queen Whip 2017,” 8amcommenced 8 and ended at 5pm where Anatol gathered St. Martin’s finest professionals in their respective fields to share much-needed tips to the delegates in preparation for the pageants.

The topics covered at the workshop included; Public Speaking, Posture and Walk, Health and Fitness, Dressing, Table Etiquette, Photography, Community Service and Makeup Application. Present at this event were 13 of the 19 delegates who portrayed extreme excitement and gratitude to Anatol for organizing this event. Mr. Charles Rollan, the charismatic Master of Ceremony, kept the delegates entertained during his unexpected, yet energetic introductions of each presenter. The presenters who contributed their time and service at no cost were Amanda Vital-Bedminister, Ardwell Irion, Shirma France, D’Shnay Mathew-York, Timia Jones, Kerwan Celestine, Ananda Zaandam and Elisia Lake. The conference room was filled with Kharisha Seymour-Foeken’s vibrant makeup products which gave the delegates an opportunity to purchase and exchange information. “I have been planning this workshop for the past two months, and I am happy that the delegates were satisfied and opened to accept the advice and positive criticism given,” Anatol stated.

At the end of the workshop, the delegates received words of encouragement from Saint Martin’s 2017-2018 Miss Teen Carnival and Senior Queens; Tasyanna Clifton and Shaïna Galvani, St. Maarten’s 2016-2017 Miss Junior Carnival and Mature Queens; Trinity Christina and Norrisa Anatol. The queens also shared their personal experiences as past delegates and the importance of remaining focus. The delegates were then presented with a certificate of participation and goodie bags filled with cosmetics sponsored by Manrique Capriles.

“Though I only planned to conduct this workshop during my reign, I have considered making this an annual event because of the impact it has made on the delegates who attended,” Anatol added. “I would like to take this opportunity to humbly thank Carl N Sons for providing the facilities to conduct this workshop, providing breakfast and lunch for all attendees. A heartfelt appreciation to Manrique Capriles for the sponsoring the goodie bags and Kharisha Seymour-Foeken for displaying her makeup products. Thank you to all presenters for sharing fundamental tips to the delegates, Mr. Charles Rollan for accepting the task of being Master of Ceremony and Nick Charles for capturing priceless images at Queen Whip 2017,” Anatol concluded.

Source: St. Martin News Network
Miss Mature Anatol Hosts “Queen Whip 2017.