MLK starts SocaFit classes.

mlksocafit07032017Dutch Quarter:—- The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School (MLK) has added SocaFit classes as part of its weekly activities. A select group of fifteen students of the Group 7 and Group 8 classes was chosen to participate in this special physical activity.

“SocaFit is a fun yet extremely educational program that will ensure students are able to control their body and its movements. In line with the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) recent stance on the types of appropriate music during carnival, the school felt it appropriate to start this new initiative,” Stuart Johnson School Manager of the Dr. MLK Jr. Primary School said.

“I know both sides of the concern having been the former SCDF President and now being the Principal of this school. We are finding a balance by trying to teach our students there is no need for vulgarity but instead they can display their natural rhythm, learn to control their body movements, and learn choreography,” Johnson added.

The weekly classes are being instructed by Chai Riley which is a well-known fitness instructor who gives classes at Belair Gym and I & I Gym among many others.

“I am having a wonderful time with the students especially with their energy and they are learning the routines quickly,” Riley said.

School Management is looking forward for individuals or companies to endorse this program which will truly prove to be a positive example for other children to join. “We need funding to keep this program going and special gym gear with T-shirts would surely be beneficial for the continuity of this initiative,” Johnson said.
“Daily we read blogs or hear commentary in various media outlets about what should or shouldn’t happen especially about the youth, so now I’m calling on the community to support this activity for the betterment of our students,” Johnson concluded.

For further information about the program you can contact the school on 54-72441 or via e-mail correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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or via the school’s Facebook Fan Page.

Source: St. Martin News Network
MLK starts SocaFit classes.