“More progress is needed on long outstanding matters and the draft budget 2020”. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— The Board of financial supervision (Cft) reiterates once again that Sint Maarten needs to make more progress on a number of outstanding matters, such as the pension reforms, the reduction of the healthcare expenses and the reform of the tax administration. Despite the current political situation, the Board still urges Sint Maarten to do all that is possible in order to take the necessary steps forward and to start the fiscal year 2020 with an approved budget.

Draft budget 2020 and 2019 execution
The 2020 draft budget still shows a deficit of 24 million guilders, therefore approval will be

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33155-more-progress-is-needed-on-long-outstanding-matters-and-the-draft-budget-2020.html