NIA and SVOBE Schools launched the Break Free Ceramic Movement. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:— National Institute of the Arts Milton Peters School and Sundial School have formed a unique alliance to bring awareness about slavery, emancipation, and our cultural heritage through Dance and Ceramics.
This schoolyear second-form vocational students from PBL and PKL will receive various forms of inspiration on this topic besides their regular social studies lessons, such as a guest lecture by SIMARC about the use of coal pots and dance lessons at NIA to learn the Ponum Dance and various ways of expressing joy and freedom through movement. After having been taught the basic skills in clay and ceramics by SVOBE art teachers, the students will shape their interpretation of emancipation and breaking free in ceramic objects. Some may choose to recreate the traditional coal pots; and figurines of Ponum dancers and others may make more abstract objects. The general public will be able to view their creations during an exhibition at NIA in June, leading up to Emancipation Day on July 1st.
This project was made available with funding by Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Caribisch Gebied (PBCCG) and the DNB fonds and started in December with a train-the-trainer trajectory in ceramics of NIA teachers and SVOBE art teachers by ceramics artist and SVOBE art teacher Annemiek van Kerkhof. Meanwhile another paramount pre-requisite of the project has been ordered: a kiln, which will be placed at Milton Peters College and will be available to both NIA and SVOBE schools. By firing the ceramic objects in a kiln they can be glazed and will become more sturdy and durable.

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