Police starts criminal investigations based on reliable information.

looteditemssuckergarden22092017PHILIPSBURG:— Based on reliable information, the Detective Department with assistance from the police forces of Aruba and Curacao, the Netherlands, Caribbean Netherlands, the Royal Marechausse, VKC, VKS, the Custom Department, Coast Guard and Dutch Marines presently on the island have started investigations against persons who have been involved in the looting of large amounts of merchandise in the aftermath of hurricane “Irma”.

  1. On Thursday, September 21st a male suspect identified with initials S.C. was arrested at his home in Philipsburg for the possession of a large quantity of stolen items for which he could not provide the necessary documents. These items were found during a search of his home. The items included flat screen televisions, name brand ladies bags, watches and other jewelry. These items were all confiscated for further investigation. The suspect was taken to the Philipsburg Police Station where he remains in custody for further investigation.
  2. Three persons living in Sucker Garden were arrested by police on Thursday, September 21st at approximately 04.00 p.m. for the illegal possession of stolen items after they could produce ownership documents for the items that were found during a house search ordered by the Public Prosecutor. These items included a flat-screen television, name brand bags, stereo equipment, curtains, new electrical tools, a transport vehicle and an amount of cash. All items were confiscated for further investigation. All suspects in this case identified with initials B.M., T.L.M. and R.L.M. were arrested on the spot and taken to the Philipsburg Police Station where they remain in custody for further investigation.
  3. On Thursday, September 21st at approximately 04.00 p.m. 4 teenagers were arrested by police for the break-in and entering of a store on Back Street. During the arrest of these suspects, a considerable amount of the stolen items were found in their possession. The stolen items consisted of roller-blades and bicycles among other items. These items were all confiscated as part of the further investigation. All four suspects were immediately arrested and taken to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters where they are being held for questioning and further investigation.
  4. looteditemscolebay22092017On Friday, September 22nd at approximately 08.00 a.m. during a raid held on an apartment complex adjacent to a popular supermarket on Welfare Road a total of 11 persons were arrested. Four of these persons were arrested for illegal firearm possession and fencing and one for theft. During the raid, a shotgun, several brand new outboard boat engines, outboard gasoline gas-tanks, DVD-players and other electrical equipment were found and confiscated for further investigation. All suspects were taken to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters where they remain in custody for further investigation. The other seven persons were all in violation of the immigration laws and were all turned over to the immigration department for processing. 

The Police Department is asking the community to share valuable information with them which has lead to the arrest of several persons and the confiscation of many items. The Police Department also encourages the community to continue sharing this type of information with them in order to arrest and hold the many involved in criminal activities responsible for their actions in the aftermath of hurricane Irma. Pictures or video-clips of persons looting or committing other criminal acts during this period should be shared by personal message on the police Facebook page or your Community Police Officer.

KPSM Press Release

Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

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