Port St. Maarten Complimented about Superior Product by Cruise Industry at Seatrade Europe. | SMN News

POINTE BLANCHE:—  Representatives from Port St. Maarten recently returned from a successful Seatrade Europe Cruise & River Cruise Convention in Hamburg, Germany.
The Port of St. Maarten continues to enjoy significant interests from its stakeholders in the country’s cruise product. Cruise destinations present attending the convention were cautioned by the cruise industry about the importance of enhancing the destination as a whole and the cruise passenger experience as the industry continues to evolve.
“As I have stated before, Sint Maarten has one of the closest relationships with the cruise industry. The destination has kept a proactive working relationship with

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/32812-port-st-maarten-complimented-about-superior-product-by-cruise-industry-at-seatrade-europe.html