Port St. Maarten hires First Local Maritime Pilot as it continues to Enhance Operational Excellence. | SMN News

POINTE BLANCHE:—  Another milestone was reached by Port St. Maarten on February 7 when Joshua Johnson signed his contract with the company becoming the first local St. Maarten Maritime Pilot.
Pilots ensure the safe navigation of ships in local waters. They are highly trained experts in ship navigation and pilots are considered the elite of the marine professionals. Pilots board ships entering or exiting the port and navigate them safely in and out avoiding any maritime hazards.
In attendance for the momentous occasion were Port St. Maarten senior management officials, representatives from the Human Resources Department, Chief Pilot

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33871-port-st-maarten-hires-first-local-maritime-pilot-as-it-continues-to-enhance-operational-excellence.html