Postponement OV 06 (PY/2018-2019) & on scheduled OV 43 (PY/2018-2019). | SMN News

• The Continuation Public meeting no. 6, Parliamentary Year 2018-2019 to be held today Monday, October 21, 2019 at 10:00 hrs with as agenda points:
3. Ontwerp van Landsverordening tot wijziging van de Algemene Landsverordening landsbelastingen in verband met internationale verplichtingen (IS/350/2017-2018 d.d. 23 februari 2018) (ZJ 2017-2018-106)

(National Ordinance to amend the General National Ordinance Land Taxes in connection with international obligations)

Has been postponed until further notice, upon request of the Chairman.

  • The Continuation Public meeting no. 34, Parliamentary Year 2018-2019 to be held today Monday, October 21, 2019 at 14:00 hrs with as agenda

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