Procedure for obtaining census documents.

MARIGOT:— The Collectivité of Saint-Martin informs its population of the procedure for obtaining a census document (birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, etc.). The request for such a document can be made by email to the head of the Census department, Ms. Daniella Richardson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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To receive your document, please send a stamped envelope with a return address at :
– Collectivité de Saint-Martin – Census Department – Mailbox 374 – Marigot Cedex 97054 – Saint-Martin.
Upon receipt of your stamped envelope, the document will be mail to you. Indeed, the law prohibits the sending of an official document by Internet.

The Collectivité of Saint-Martin thanks you for your understanding.

Source: St. Martin News Network