Remote Controlled Bureaucracy, Debases 1648 Treaty of Concordia. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— PPA leader Gracita Arrindell states that the border blockade is being used increasingly as an instrument to control the free movement of our people. Once that ‘ Genie’ is out of the bottle it’s hard to put it back in. There’s a sea of difference between a border-blockade and border control. Whichever the case, both measures seriously hamper the internal free movement of people and goods as proclaimed in the over 300-year Treaty of Concordia”.

“We support the many voices that call for the overturn of this latest Paris mandated ad hoc- decision. Inadvertently, this issue has now been

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  1. This treaty was there to let both the French and the Dutch focus on their core-business:
    the exploitation of plantations with slaves, and the merchandise of sugar, tobacco, slaves, cotton.
    War would cost too much money.
    They needed all resources to exploit slavery.
    Anyone who wants to celebrate this treaty does not know their own history.