Saba attends IPDC conference to develop climate adaptation plan. | SMN NEWS

SABA:— At the end of March, representatives of the Public Entity Saba (PES) attended the 2024 conference for the International Panel for Deltas, Coastal Areas and Islands (IPDC) in the Netherlands as part of the process to develop a climate adaptation plan for Saba. Over 100 representatives from 13 different countries, islands, and financial institutions were in attendance. Jordan Every, Sarah van der Horn, and Justin Simmons-de Jong represented Saba in their respective capacities of policy advisor economic development and sustainability, NEPP program manager, and project manager nature.
The conference's purpose was to share and exchange knowledge on climate adaptation, including strategy, (access to) finance, policy, science, and (best) practices. The conference facilitated dialogue between the various country and island representatives on their challenges with climate change, achievements made, and solutions to these challenges. Through these discussions, representatives were able to identify similar and contrasting experiences regarding water management, acquiring the funding needed to implement their climate adaptation projects and plans, and the impact of climate change on a societal level.

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