CAY HILL:— St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has requested an immediate rectification from NTR – Caribisch Netwerk for the story published on their website today in which it is claimed that the hospital “for years has been disposing of amputated limbs, organs, fetuses at the Dump”.
“NTR-Caribisch Netwerk has been urgently requested to rectify the story and publish the facts which is that amputated limbs, organs, fetuses have never been disposed off at the Dump. That type of medical waste has always been transported to the crematoria for proper disposal”, stated Kees Klarenbeek, SMMC General Director.
Klarenbeek continues: “In order to provide clarity on the other medical waste (nonbodily materials):
SMMC medical waste (non-bodily materials) disposal was being processed by the Ministry of VROMI and incinerated at the St. Maarten Landfill until recently. Due to the developments at the Landfill involving coming to a permanent solution for the constant fires, authorities have abruptly halted the incineration of medical waste at the landfill. As such, SMMC had to pursue alternatives one of which being, using the incinerator at the crematorium at a funeral home in Sucker Garden as a temporary solution. Discussions are ongoing with the government officials in order to come to a final solution. These also include working with the French side hospital and authorities for joint medical waste disposal”.
Klarenbeek reiterates: “At no time was there any burning of human parts, organs etc. originating from SMMC being done at the Dump!”.
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Source: St. Martin News Network
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