St. Maarten Tax specialist M. Aalbers presents English version of the St. Maarten tax laws to MP Brison. | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:—  On January 3rd MP Rolando Brison received a copy of the bundle ‘St. Maarten Tax Legislation 2024 (ENG)’ presented by St. Maarten tax specialist Marco Aalbers.
Aalbers worked as a tax advisor and tax inspector in St. Maarten for many years and is
the author of the book.
Every year, some accounting firms publish a tax law bundle of current and relevant tax laws of St. Maarten as well. However, these are all published in Dutch.
Tax laws are an important part of a country's legislation. Knowledge of this legislation is therefore very important. Everyone contributes to taxes in some way and is therefore affected by it.
Having worked in the tax field in St. Maarten for over 10 years, I realized it is a challenge for many to try to keep up with tax legislation, policies, and decrees. Identifying the fiscal consequences of events and acts is only possible when the text and substance of tax legislation, decrees, and policies are known and understood. This law bundle hopefully contributes to spreading such knowledge.
“Sharing knowledge with people interested in the St. Maarten tax laws is something I enjoy. This first edition of a ‘St. Maarten tax law bundle’ written in English, which will hopefully turn into an annual publication fits this objective well”, says Aalbers.
The bundle ‘St. Maarten Tax Legislation 2024 (ENG)’ is available at VanDorp Simpson Bay.

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