SXM Airport featured in Routes News Magazine.

PHILIPSBURG:— The Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, will be featured prominently in Routes News, one of the most reputable publications in Aviation. Editor, Ed Robertson interviewed Michel Hyman, COO and Michael Lake, Director of the Finance Division while both were attending the 11th Annual Routes Americas conference in Quito, Ecuador. The title of the magazine feature is “Three Questions for.”
Hyman explained that the purpose of being at the Routes Americas was to let the aviation community know that St. Maarten and its associated hub partners were opened for leisure and business travel. He further stressed that the theme for the reconstruction of the terminal building is “Rebuilding bigger and better,” and gave additional insight into the proposed US Pre-Clearance, which will allow passengers on US-bound flights to be pre-cleared effortlessly at SXM Airport. This is forecast to bring some additional 1 million passengers to SXM Airport
The Routes News Editor was especially impressed by the fact that SXM Airport was operational again by October 10, 2017, a little over a month after the catastrophic hurricane Irma struck on September 6, 2017.
Director of the Finance division, Michael Lake took the rare opportunity to announce that a temporary air-conditioned Departure Pavilion opened recently, offering both food and beverage and retail concessions and a more comfortable experience for departing passengers. Lake also added that the Arrival Pavilion will be opened shortly.
Routes News was also given an update on the demolition of the interior of the Terminal Building, the reconstruction plan, and the construction of a modern Fixed Based Operations (FBO) facility.
Routes Americas serves as the central network event whereby international senior airline decision makers build high-value relationships with some of the most influential aviation professionals across the region. Routes News is produced by industry experts TTG Media on behalf of UBM and features a digital edition on and
More than 7,000 copies of Routes News are published six times a year and mailed to specific individuals involved in route development worldwide. It also reflects the mix of airlines, airports, tourism authorities and local government organizations involved in route development. Routes News is focused on conducting much more media coverage on the Caribbean, and they are set to produce a Caribbean guide in the near future. This meshes well with the PJIA vision to boost additional communication efforts on its progress trajectory and growth to the world.

Source: St. Martin News Network