TelEm Group Names Wacky Friday Smart Home Prizewinner.

PHILIPSBURG:— Lucky Wacky Telco Friday door prize winner, Howard Chiu, was completely caught by surprise when he was informed that he was taking home the top prize for the day in TelEm Group mad-cap, Wacky Friday sale, on November 23.

The restaurant owner and inshore fisherman turned out at TelEm Group’s main building to join in the fun and to scoop up any of the main deals going, but kept a low profile because he wasn’t dressed in any Wacky costume like some of the visitors entering the building before him.

After a five minute wait, “Howie” entered the building and his purchase for the day made him a lucky main prize participant and then a Main Prize Winner.

The surprise came when TelEm Group CEO, Mr. Kendall Dupersoy asked “Howie” to read out the list of features the winner of the Smart Home Prize would be getting. He dutifully did so for the benefit of all those gathered for the prizegiving ceremony, only to be told by Mr. Dupersoy that he was actually reading out the features of his own prize.

“”Howie” was just floored by the revelation that he was, in fact, the winner of the $2,000 value door prize of a Smart Home System by Smart Concepts 721,” said Marketing Manager Grisha Heyliger.

As for the features “Howie” read out, they include features to connect to a home from anywhere in the world allowing control of lights, cameras, televisions, fans, air-conditioners, locks, various electronic devices including tables and smartphones and smartTVs.

Howie had the last laugh when he left the TelEm Group Building with a voucher for his prize in hand, pretending that he was already set up by opening the TelEm Group main automatic door with his smartphone device in hand.

He says the prize will make his life a whole lot easier and in the end will save him money because of the many, many features that can help him monitor and manage his home appliance and devices from any one of his three Smartphones and also online.

On the Wacky Telco Friday sale Howie purchased a CAT waterproof phone for the bargain price of $80 to take on his daily fishing trips that he organizes for visitors to the island. He landed one of the biggest catches in a long time – a whopping $2,000 Smart home prize that he is ever so grateful to TelEm Group and the Smart Homes 271 team for.

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Source: St. Martin News Network