TelEm Group workers signal support for National Day of Reflection.

Hold two minutes silence in company parking lot.

Pond Island:—TelEm Group staffers gathered in the company’s parking lot Thursday for two minutes of silence to remember the passing of Hurricane Irma one year ago.

Staff filled the roundabout in the building’s parking lot and flashed their mobile phones in the air to signal a message of TelEm Group’s readiness to provide the most robust telecommunication services possible for its customers, especially at times of inclement weather.

“Staff turned out early, and at precisely six minutes after nine we were all ready for the two minutes of silence along with the rest of the island,” said Manager, Human Resources & Development, Shadira Richardson. This was a joint effort of the HR&D department and the Marketing & Sales Department.

During the event, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Kendall Dupersoy, reflected on the time immediately following the passage of Hurricane Irma last year, when TelEm Group personnel went above and beyond duty to provide telecommunication services to the St. Maarten community despite severe damage and destruction to the company’s telecommunication infrastructure. Putting aside their own personal situation at home.

“As a new CEO coming in at the time, it changed my whole picture of TelEm personnel…. your commitment to your company and your customers and the way you responded after hurricane Irma,” said Mr. Dupersoy before observing the two minutes of silence.

The gathering was filmed by a drone operator and photos were also taken. A montage of the gathering will now be sent to the Ministry of Education, Culture Youth & Sports’ #906REFELCTION viral campaign where the Ministry is putting together a commemorative compilation video documentary and booklet.

The Ministry is hoping that with #906REFELCTION it can create a national platform of shared stories from different voices in the St. Maarten community.

Source: St. Martin News Network