Ten Qualify for Semi-Final Round of the 8th Annual Rotary/Rotaract Spelling Bee 2019. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— Thirty-five nervous and eager participants from thirteen schools were ready for the start of the preliminary round of the 8th Annual Rotary/Rotaract Spelling Bee 2019 at the Belair Community Center on Sunday.
The Spelling Bee was opened by Spelling Bee Chairman/Master of Ceremonies Jon Hart. President Aernout Kraaijeveld thanked the sponsors, the Spelling Bee Committee and the young people taking part in the spelling Bee and wished them all good luck. President of the Rotaract Club of Sunrise Gabriel Flanders said he was happy to collaborate once again with The Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle in organizing

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33116-ten-qualify-for-semi-final-round-of-the-8th-annual-rotary-rotaract-spelling-bee-2019.html