PHILIPSBURG:— Last Friday, author of juvenile books, Loekie Morales, visited the Milton Peters College to give a workshop ‘The Taste of Writing’ to the High school HAVO/VWO, Milton Peters College on Sint Maarten. The writing workshop is part of the Beyond Kultura Events Foundation’s Writing Program of this year. The foundation stimulates reading, writing, storytelling and cultural activities among the youth. The students of the MPC were very interested in the main aspects of the writing a story process. ‘It starts with getting the ideas and topics, going into the process of writing itself, technically and with your heart. During this writing process, using your senses to describe the situation, the characters and their acts with monologues, dialogues and so one, is vital to write in a captivating way’, Morales explained. ‘The story needs to flow from your mind to your heart and from your heart to the pen, which touches the paper to which you have trusted your story,’ Morales stated.
Writing is a solitary action in which you can touch so many lives.
During the workshop, the students could experience ‘Freewriting’ as a writing technique to enhance their writing skills, by getting an idea and to write it down without being distracted. At the end of the workshop, tips were given to the students to how to furthermore enhance their writing skills. All the students have gotten a ballpoint at the end of the workshop, to stimulate them to start writing their own biography and live story.
The students liked the writing workshop. It was a good taste of a writing experience for them and for me it was having an educational and fun journey with our youngsters at the same time’, Morales concluded.
High schools and tertiary education institutions can experience this writing workshop by contacting Beyond Kultura Events Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Source: St. Martin News Network
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