Two arrested in ill-treatment video circulating.

PHILIPSBURG:— On Saturday, February 2nd, two male suspects with initials A.O. and T.A.J. were arrested in connection with the ill-treatment of a male victim in the vicinity of Point Blanche. The Police dispatch center received a call about a fight/ill-treatment which was taking place between five persons against one person, upon arrival officers were able to apprehend two of the five suspects and place them under arrest. The two suspects were brought to the station for further questioning.
The KPSM is aware of the video that has been circulating on social media is in connection to this fight/ ill-treatment. The suspects informed the detectives that the victim in the situation had stolen the car of the suspect and removed the number plates from the vehicle. The suspects located the stolen vehicle and the victim in the situation in the Point Blanche area, at which time the situation escalates and the police were called to the scene
This investigation is still ongoing more information will be provided as it becomes available.

KPSM Press Release.

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Source: St. Martin News Network