USM major sponsor of CWBC.

francioguadeloupe22062017PHILIPSBURG:—-The University of St. Martin is proud to be one of the sponsors of the Caribbean Well-Being Conference (CWBC), which will be held on St. Maarten from August 6 to 8, 2017 under the theme: Best Practices in Promoting Student Wellness: Bringing the child, family, school, and community together

The genius of the CWBC is the marriage between the socio-psychological and the economic-political, Dr. Francio Guadeloupe, President of USM stated. He further added that an important role of universities is to promote awareness of the zeitgeist and create the space and place for academics, professionals, and laypersons to come up with more effective ways of enhancing the capabilities of individuals and groups and thus indirectly contributing to the wellbeing of society as a whole. This developmental task of universities should not be underestimated. All countries in development need to attend to mounting social concerns that are aggravated by the ways in which the global meltdown affects their precarious economies. Now behind the t, rm ‘ precarious economy’ lies the struggles of ordinary women and men of all ages.

The CWBC seeks to promote the positive development and well-being of children, parents, families, schools and communities. The CWBC aims to inform and educate on best practices to promote children’s well-being by looking at the important role that parents, families, teachers, schools, and communities play in the promotion of well-adjusted, socially and emotionally competent youth.

In sponsoring the CWBC, Dr. Guadeloupe stated that the USM can contribute to putting Sint Maarten on the map as a place where regional and international conventions, conferences, and events in the field of education can be held. For educational tourism to work one needs to appreciate education in both narrow and broad terms. So schooling and specialized skill acquisition (education in the narrow sense) and the lifelong refinement of the senses and sensibilities of a population that they are better able to continuously autocorrect themselves, ethically relate to one another, and thrive in a world where global competitiveness has become the name of the game. The USM can only do so by cultivating partnerships with government, civil society and the business sector. An example of this is the CWBC.

The CWBC will bring educators, administrators, social workers, counselors, psychologists, therapists, community leaders, practitioners, parents and all those working in promoting student wellness together. The CWBC is being organized by the Student Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport, the St. Maarten Youth Council Association and St. Johns University of New York.

Persons may register by contacting the St. Maarten Youth Council Association at the Rupert I. Maynard Youth Community Center or by calling 5485020 or 5485022. For further information about the conference, one may also visit the Facebook Page Caribbean Well-Being Conference or the conference webpage

Source: St. Martin News Network
USM major sponsor of CWBC.