PHILIPSBURG:— The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. (WIB) supports the “3rd annual Back to School Drive” spearheaded by student Ki-Mani Olivacce, who has called upon the community to donate school supply items for children in need. WIB has placed a ”Back to School ” box at its main branch in Philipsburg-for clients wanting to be part of this effort. Items that can be donated are listed below:
Agendas, 3 ring Binders, Backpacks, Colored Pencils,
Pens/pencils, Construction paper, Crayons, Dividers,
Folders, Glue Bottles, Glue Sticks, Erasers, Highlighters,
Markers, Notebook Paper, Pencil Cases, Rulers,
Notebook Paper, Pencil Cases, Rulers, Spiral Notebooks, Calculators.
The school supplies can be dropped off during banking hours – 8:30am to 3:30 pm. The Back to School drive at WIB will continue from now until August 15, 2018.
Your Partner in Progress.
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Source: St. Martin News Network
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