Temporary parking restrictions in place for 2019 Carnival festivities | THE DAILY HERALD


MARIGOT–The Collectivité is drawing the attention of all taxi drivers, tour bus operators, and car rental companies on the Marigot waterfront to the temporary measures put in place for the 2019 Carnival festivities in the following areas.

  All areas reserved for taxis (with the exception of the ferry terminal line), all areas reserved for tour bus companies, all areas of the taxi station, and all parking spaces reserved for the car rental shuttles and vehicles.

  The above listed parking areas will be closed for their usual uses and exclusively reserved for the sole purpose of the Carnival events from Friday, February 25, at 6:00pm through Wednesday, March 6. 

  Included are the parking areas of Dr. Hubert Petit Boulevard around the former Police au Frontières (PAF) offices. Parking is prohibited and closed to car rental companies and all public vehicles every day during the period indicated above from 2:00pm.

  Car rental companies are invited to make parking arrangements for their shuttle vehicles outside the prohibited spaces. Taxis prohibited from parking at the usual taxi stand will maintain the use of the taxi line parallel to the ferry terminal.

  Tour bus companies prohibited from parking in their usual spaces on the waterfront will be required to park in spaces at the Food Market.

  These temporary changes will be restored under the usual conditions as of 8:00am on Thursday, March 7.

  Any unauthorized vehicle parked in areas as mentioned above on the days and hours indicated, will be seized, removed, and impounded, at the expense and responsibility of the owner.

  The Collectivité apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.


Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/85417-temporary-parking-restrictions-in-place-for-2019-carnival-festivities