Minister Doran hosts Justice event for workers, past and present. | 721 NEWS
Doran Says “It is the fingers in unity that make the hand”
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Wednesday, December 18th, 2019, Minister of Justice Egbert Jurendy Doran hosted an end of year Justice Unification at the Government Administration Building, bringing current and past Justice workers together.
While the current Justice workers showed great appreciation for such a gathering, many of the former workers also expressed their elation at being thought of and given the opportunity to be a part of the event, which enabled them to enjoy and reminisce with their former colleagues while also being introduced to and dialogue current workers.
During his presentation at the event, Minister of Justice Doran, who has one month in office, stated that it was indeed an honor for him to be among so many Justice officials of all levels and be able to interact one on one with them.
At the end of his presentation, the Minister donned his gloves and proceeded to personally assist in serving first the retirees, followed by the other invited guests.
During the Minister’s speech, he said the following;
“I will start out by asking you to let the spirit of Unity fill your hearts and homes for this Holiday Season.
Let us remember the teachings of the Lord, allowing these teachings to guide our decisions, thoughts, and most of all our family life.
The Ministry of Justice is home to many who form part of the foundation of Sint Maarten and who are crucial in maintaining this home for all of us to enjoy.
I do not have enough words to thank all those of this Ministry who tirelessly commit to this cause.
Thanks to all those who are part of this family, both past and present, with a special welcome to our retirees today.
Without your dedication to safeguarding the essence of our gem in the Caribbean, we would not all be benefit from its resilience today.
Our retirees have given so many of their years in service, in order to build up this Justice Chain.
I want to let you know how welcome you are, and that those of us still serving today, deem it a great privilege to be standing here among you this afternoon.
You have paved the way, and for that we are eternally grateful. Your contribution should and will never be forgotten.
I wish to encourage those of you serving today, to seek out those before you, in order to obtain advice based on their long experience as I am convinced that you will be able to put this to good use during the execution of your tasks on a daily basis.
I pray that all of your homes are blessed with God’s favor, and that He will protect all our men and women as they continue to provide safety to our citizens and visitors especially during this season.
Sint Maarten has endured much these past years and I firmly believe that while many are still recovering from the aftermath of Irma, as a people, we are truly strong.
As the year reaches a close, and the New Year is soon upon us, we look to Goals that we have set, taking stock of the achievements made while making choices for the Goals ahead.
2020 will be a year of growth, and the Ministry of Justice will continue to endure and overcome all the obstacles that may come its way.
This afternoon most importantly, I urge all of you working in the Justice field, to be unified and work together to achieve the necessary solutions needed to get this Justice Ministry to where it should be; REMEMBER, “IT IS THE FINGERS IN UNITY, THAT MAKE THE HAND”
The ministry of Justice has been like the car of a mechanic or the cabinets of a carpenter left unfinished. This is often what happens to us as people when we continue to give all, without remembering to recharge.
2020 is before us.
Let us commit to providing the much-needed attention to the home from which we operate.
It is time to Heal and Grow, for the horizon ahead has new beginnings.
Let the 10th year of our country be the best;
In closing I wish to once again thank the current and former staff members of the Ministry of Justice and I hope that this gathering can bring moments of joyful dialogue and great memories.”
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