UP Board/ leader congratulate party founder on his acquittal | 721 NEWS

PHILIPSBURG — The Board and Leadership of the United People’s Party are happy at the news of the acquittal of Theodore Heyliger in connection with the so-called “Catfish” investigation.

After almost 10-years of being falsely accused of offering a bribe to former Member of Parliament Romaine Laville, Heyliger is now vindicated by the Court of First Instance who handed down its judgement on Thursday, November 14th.

“At this moment, my happy thoughts and grateful prayers are with Theo and his family, who continue to endure so much. Justice was slow but prevailed. I am happy that Theo and his family and the extended-UP family and supporters, can at least find some peace having overcome this victoriously,” Leader of the UP MP Rolando Brison said

The UPP Board extends our sincere congratulations to Theodore Heyliger, our Founder and his family. We can only imagine the relief you must feel after the ordeal you have endured for years, being falsely accused.

UP Party President Silvia Meyers and her family like many other members of the board and party supporters also suffered the horror of seeing Heyliger and his family endure these accusations.

Meyers said Thursday evening “On behalf of the Board of the United peoples Party needless to say how delighted we are to know our Founder has been acquitted.”

She said, “it is through God’s continued presence in your life and his protective arms around you that we have been able to see the day where you are vindicated.”  Meyers said the UP Party remains steadfast and fully supports Heyliger in his continued legal battle to prove his innocence.

Heyliger has consistently been the largest vote-getter on St. Maarten and a central figure of the rebuilding of Dutch St. Maarten.

Source: 721 News https://www.721news.com/top-story/up-board-leader-congratulate-party-founder-on-his-acquittal/