ASSOCIATION / October 2023: month of prevention, sharing and discovery thanks to Sèm Ta Route | FAXINFO

The month of October 2023 was a busy month for the Orléans Neighborhood Social Center “Up Rising” supported by the Sèm Ta Route association. Return to three important themes.

Indeed, as part of Pink October, the center offered residents of the island a workshop on breast self-palpation led by a health professional. The opportunity was given to participants to ask questions about cancer, causes, treatments and means of prevention. One important thing to remember during this workshop on Thursday, October 5: breast cancer also affects men. The professional reminded the 14 participants, including Martine Beldor, elected in charge of community life, that the most effective means of preventing breast cancer was self-examination to be carried out at least twice a week.

During this month also dedicated to the elderly with Blue Week, the center organized a “3G cooking” workshop where grandparents, parents and children made a pastry for an afternoon under the advice of the center’s facilitators. . This workshop on October 14 was intended to be a moment of sharing and cooperation between 3 generations of the same family and honoring our grandparents. A friendly moment shared by 5 families comprising a total of 16 people. At the request of participants, the operation will be renewed next December.

On the occasion of taste week which took place from October 16 to 20, the center invited the children present from the after-school class on Wednesday October 18 to experience a moment of discovery of flavors. On the program, smell test, blind tasting, quizzes and laughter, to the delight of little gourmets. As the Sèm Ta Route association also manages the Baby Dou micro Créche in Concordia, the “Tastes and Flavors” operation was transposed to the little ones with the discovery of new tastes throughout the week in question.

The Sèm Ta Route association invites the public to join the next actions in the month of November such as the parenting weeks from November 18 to December 3, 2023, in particular with a Baby Massage workshop (limited places and only by registration). _VX

Info and registrations: 05 90 87 75 53 –

Source: Faxinfo