FOOTBALL: The president of the FFF, Philippe Diallo listens to the urgent needs of Saint-Martin football leaders | FAXINFO

After Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe, the president of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo came to meet the players in Saint-Martin football last Thursday, March 14. A one-day visit to better understand the specificities of our football and to better support them financially. Structural development and equipment projects were also discussed with local leaders.

“It is a true honor to be able to welcome you to our territory. After Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe, we are proud to have been included in your trip to the West Indian-Caribbean basin. Saint-Martin has always been a land of football. We are in fact the largest sports association in our territory with more than 1000 members. However, we need all the support available to continue to develop our beautiful discipline, and this at all levels,” underlined the president of the League of Saint-Martin, Aristide Conner, during his introductory speech before to continue “We are working today on all areas of development for our football while having been confronted for years with major problems including the glaring lack of infrastructure and the exorbitant prices of airlines for regional and international travel. 'hexagon. Getting to Miami costs less from Guadeloupe than coming to Saint-Martin. Find the mistake ?

The conclusion is clear. Without sports infrastructure, how can we continue our development journey? Difficult to answer this question unless we could have a stadium worthy of the name which we have been waiting for for many years. If we want to progress, it is essential to be able to confront regional realities! However, today, this is not the case.

This is a real obstacle to our development.

Despite all these problems, I remain convinced that we will be able to find solutions to move forward jointly in the development of our football. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our club presidents present today (Thursday March 14 at the Grand Case Beach Club, editor's note) and their management and volunteer teams because without their investment in community life, we would not be present here today ".

  The cost of travel and the rehabilitation of the JL Vanterpool stadium at the heart of discussions

After listening attentively to President Aristide Conner on the urgent needs for better development of football on the island, Philippe Diallo, with at his side, Pascal Parent, member of the executive council of the FFF and president of the Auvergne-Rhône League- Alpes, addressed the various club presidents, impatient to hear the words of the strong man of French football. With 2,3 million licensees, 12 clubs and a budget of 500 million euros for amateur football, the FFF is the largest sports federation in France. The rehabilitation of stadiums, support for Saint-Martin football, the direct link between the Community and the FFF and more broadly the link to be defined for the French islands of the Antilles-Guyana with FIFA, were discussed. Unsurprisingly, it is the question of the lack of infrastructure in the region as well as that of transport which was at the heart of the discussions with the local authorities.

The president of the FFF said he was ready to help in the form of a partnership with the rehabilitation work at the Jean-Louis Vanterpool stadium so that the teams could play at home and thus limit their travel costs. Particularly in Anguilla where the Saint-Martin selection is forced to evolve to play its official matches.

Previously Philippe Diallo had wanted to realize the reality of football in the territory and to form his own opinion on the expectations and needs of the League of Saint-Martin and the clubs. He began his day with a tour of the facilities before meeting the Deputy Prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton and the President of the Community, Louis Mussington, then taking part in a question-and-answer session with representatives of the local clubs.

At the request of the leaders, the President of the FFF undertook to send balls and other equipment to the clubs as quickly as possible, recalling that equipment is available for all clubs in France and Overseas. who request it. _AF

Source: Faxinfo