LOCAL LIFE: Plantings in roundabouts and on roadsides from the border of Oyster Pond to Bellevue! | FAXINFO

The Living Environment and Ecological Transition delegation of the Community, chaired by the 2nd vice-president, Bernadette Davis, launched a vast operation to beautify the territory.

Financed by REACT-EU European funds, this operation consists of planting in roundabouts and on the sides of the roads.

The Marigot, Bellevue, Agrément, Cul-de-Sac roundabouts, as well as the Morne Valois descent, have already benefited from the beautification program.

Ultimately, the entire territory will be concerned for a total amount of 1.2 million euros including other green developments.

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/vie-locale-des-plantations-dans-les-ronds-points-et-sur-le-bord-des-routes-de-la-frontiere-doyster-pond-a-bellevue/