As announced in our edition yesterday, nine lifeguards are each organizing a day of aquatic activities as part of their training for the Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Activities Aquatics and Swimming. Here is the first project, signed Léa Rochery.
To validate two of the four creditable units of the Professional Certificate of Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming which aim to supervise all public during the implementation of an animation designed by each candidate .e, Léa has chosen to propose a rescue initiation project.
Learning computer tools being part of the specifications for the first two modules, the organizer of the event produced a flyer illustrating her project. This afternoon of discovery of first aid in the aquatic environment is aimed at children and teenagers aged 10 to 17 and will take place on the Galion beach from 13 p.m. to 17 p.m. In order to give a civic dimension to the rescue by making Saint-Martin youth aware of the reflexes to have in an emergency situation, Léa Rochery will welcome around thirty children from different sports clubs and associations in the area, children who already know how to swim. If registrations are already closed, the public is cordially invited to attend the day, the program of which will be divided into four stages with, as a sporting introduction, a rescue paddle race, essential equipment for beach surveillance whose stable and robust board is easily maneuverable in waves for quick rescue. Then move on to an exercise in the technique of towing a person in distress in the water. After the physical efforts and the discovery of the rescue equipment, Léa Rochery will move on to the educational phase with the lifesaving numbers, namely the emergency numbers to remember in the event of a problem in order to alert the emergency services as soon as possible. time limit. To end the pilot day, the thirty or so children will be made aware of biodiversity, environmental protection being a topical issue that it is particularly important to pass on to the new generation. Thanks to the association Tous à l'Ô, the National Nature Reserve of Saint-Martin, the Collectivity, the Conservatoire du Littoral and the Resource Center of Expertise and Sports Performance Antilles Guyane, Léa will be able to carry out her project of initiation to rescue in peace, actively participating in making Saint-Martin youth more responsible in terms of citizenship. Good luck to her ! _Vx
Info: 06 65 31 51 45
Source: Faxinfo
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