TERRITORIAL COUNCIL: A parade to counter fraudulent driving licenses | FAXINFO

In view of the 81 licenses invalidated by the administration and an ongoing judicial investigation, driving license fraud is still very much present in the territory of Saint-Martin.

To counter the problem, the territorial council of September 19th deliberated on a suspension, for a new period of twelve months, of registrations in the Territorial Driving License File of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin for people holding a general theoretical exam (ETG) obtained outside the territory. While a judicial investigation is underway, other proven frauds have been detected since. This suspension would be the only way to eradicate the problem while waiting to completely dismantle the sector, which is now a national demand. Around forty people are summoned next December for criminal criminal orders outside of the indictments. Despite the urgency of the situation which penalizes young people in good standing with a theoretical license obtained outside the territory wishing to pass their practical license, the credibility of the licenses obtained in Saint-Martin and the protection of the territorial driving license file depend on it according to the opinion of the transport commission. The new suspension, approved by the territorial council with 20 votes, is active until September 18, 2025._Vx

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/conseil-territorial-une-parade-pour-contrer-les-permis-de-conduire-frauduleux/