GREAT BAY — Member of Parliament, Mr. Franklin Meyers, responded to the findings of the Minister of VROMI, Mr. Miklos Giterson, regarding the lease land on the ring road that was giving out by the previous administration’s Minister of VROMI.
MP Meyers stated: “the people that know me well know that I will always fight for my people. For all my years in government, and as a business owner it has always been my highest priority to empower our people. I work with them, I believe in them, I have always promoted them, and I shall always be in support of locally owned businesses. I’m a product of grass root St. Maarten, and of a family that’s been here for many generations, and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that all the People who wish to contribute positively to this country, are never left out of anything”.
“But having that said, it’s also my responsibility to ensure that we are not setting up citizens to fail, and it’s hurtful to see that not everyone is following this same basic principle”. MP Meyers continued: “If we want to help our very People, we must encourage and guide young entrepreneurs through the process of setting up their own companies in a proper fashion. Being an entrepreneur comes with a great responsibility, and instead of teaching young aspiring business men and women to circumvent rules and go for the quick wins and low hanging fruit, we must encourage them to follow the rules, set long term goals for the company so that their companies can be sustainable and viable, and make Sint Maarten proud with good quality products and services.
In light of the recent integrity breaches, several young Sint Maarteners will become unintentionally exposed to the scrutiny of the law which may have far reaching consequences. Now – more than ever – we need to do the right thing, by doing things right!
In closing MP Meyers stated: “having true love for the Country and its’ People means protecting them from harm as well. The actions and the defense of the NA further demonstrates why the integrity chamber is so needed. We must realize that sometimes the right thing to do, is the hardest thing to do.”
Source: StMaartenNews
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