Explore St. Maarten by taking a tour and zipline at Pelican Peak. | SMN News

~ Great way to overlook Great Bay and experience the zip line. ~

PHILIPSBURG: — If you are planning to visit St. Maarten or if you are living on the island and wants to enjoy the panoramic view of Great Bay then it is recommended that you visit the newly opened Zipline, Pelican Peak. Meet their friendly and knowledgeable staff that are willing to help you as you go on your adventure. Its one of the many tour’s day visitors can do while getting the opportunity to take an island tour before or after. Pelican Peak is located close

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/31781-explore-st-maarten-by-taking-a-tour-and-zipline-at-pelican-peak.html