Postponement Public meeting of Parliament regarding the status update of Government lease land agreement with Mr. Denisio Wyatte. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:—The Public meeting to be held today, Friday, December 6, 2019, at 14.00 hrs with an agenda point:
The status update of Government lease land agreement with Mr. Denisio Wyatte, located in St. Peters and situated between Certificate of Admeasurements 109/2009, 179/1989, 323/1971, 93/1971, 69/1978 and the border with Retreat Estate (IS/191/2019-2020 dated October 23, 2019, and IS/212/2019-2020 dated October 30, 2019)

(This meeting was requested by MP C.A.H. Peterson, MP S.A. Wescot-Williams, MP T.E. Leonard, MP J.C. James, and MP S.M. Bijlani)

Has been postponed until further notice upon the request of the Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment

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