SFC funded close to 1 million euros on Sint Maarten for social initiatives in 2017, and more than 2.3 million throughout the Dutch Caribbean.

PHILIPSBURG:— The ‘Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben’ (SFC) has been providing financial assistance to social initiatives in the Dutch Caribbean since 2004. As of 2018, the SFC consists of 6 Dutch social funding agencies, namely: Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars, Kansfonds, Oranje Fonds, Stichting Kinderpostzegels, and the newly joined Roomsch Catholijk Oude Armen Kantoor (RCOAK), all of whom work collectively on all Dutch Caribbean islands as a Cooperative fund.
Since it’s inception, a total of approximately € 20,6 million has been invested in 641 social initiatives in the Dutch Caribbean. This is including programs such as ‘Samen Oud’ and ‘Kansen voor Jongeren Cariben’ which focus on battling loneliness amongst the elderly and providing chances at a successful future for vulnerable youth.
For the year 2017, the SFC invested €163.198 in ‘Kansen voor Jongeren’ and €53.776 in ‘Samen Oud’ projects, throughout the Dutch Caribbean. Including the aforementioned, in total, 67 social projects were funded, to an amount of €1,841,824.00, throughout the whole Dutch Caribbean for the year 2017.
For Sint Maarten in particular, in 2017, the SFC funded 23 social projects to a total of € 452.019, an additional €500.000 was donated to the Red Cross as post-Irma emergency relief funding. In total 19 post-Irma relief projects received funding, together with 4 regular projects.
On Saba, four projects received €5.655 collectively, including two post-Irma relief projects.
Including all social projects and post-Irma relief projects, SFC has invested €2.341.824 throughout the Dutch Caribbean for the year 2017.
Organizations with a social project in mind, but still in need of funding, can submit a funding request via the application form on www.samenwerkendefondsen.org/en. For more information on the opportunities the SFC has to offer, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Source: St. Martin News Network http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/30030-sfc-funded-close-to-1-million-euros-on-sint-maarten-for-social-initiatives-in-2017-and-more-than-2-3-million-throughout-the-dutch-caribbean.html